Speaker: Ethan Payne

Soul Matters Discussion

Humans are beings of story. We use stories to remember the past, to prepare our children for the present, and to imagine the future. Join us this Sunday for a discussion service focused on the inseparable nature of stories and their effects on our lives. Meet in person at CVUU or online through Zoom on Sunday at 10:00 AM.

A Brief History of American Labor Movements

As we near the Labor Day long weekend, there’s one question on everyone’s mind… What are we celebrating, exactly? Despite years of historic decline, unions are starting to spring up in workplaces around the country, and it’s becoming more important than ever to learn the history of American labor movements. We’ll talk about the rights that our predecessors fought for, the power of peaceful protest, and how to enact meaningful societal change today- or at least an introduction to these ideas, as well as how they might relate to our 7 UU Principles. Meet in person at CVUU or online through Zoom on Sunday at 10:00 AM.

Soul Matters Discussion – Living with Intention

A deeply important part of any spiritual practice is not necessarily what happens at a time or place of worship – it’s the connections formed with the community, with the Earth, and with yourself.  Join our discussion focused on staying in the present, incorporating our values into our daily routine – living with intention. Meet in person at CVUU or online through Zoom on Sunday at 10:00 AM.

Soul Matters Discussion on Renewal

Join us on Sunday at 10 am for a Soul Matters discussion on Renewal, led by Ethan Payne. Renewal… to begin or take up again, as an acquaintance, a conversation, etc., resume. to make effective for an additional period: to restore or replenish to restate or reaffirm a promise to make valid or effective for a further period to regain or recover vigor or strength to replace an old or worn-out part or piece. -Wise Words “A day when one has not pushed oneself to the limit seems a damaged, damaging day, a sinful day. Not so! The most valuable thing one can do for the psyche, occasionally, is to … Continue reading Soul Matters Discussion on Renewal

This I Believe

The February 25 service will be This I Believe with Ethan Payne. He will share the experiences and decisions that brought him to CVUU and continue to influence his search for truth, meaning, and community. Meet in person at CVUU or online through Zoom on Sunday at 10:00 AM.

Welcoming Change

Join us for a discussion about embracing change and its effect on life and faith. Meet in-person at CVUU or online through Zoom on Sunday at 10:00 AM.