CVUU Occasional Hikers
Joining us on a hike is a great way to enjoy beautiful Cache Valley and Logan Canyon, get fresh air and exercise, as well as getting to know fellow CVUUers.
CVUUer Susanne Janecke will lead group walks or hikes occasionally during the walking season. Please join us if you can.
We will meet at 1:00pm. Meeting place to be determined. Car pools and biking are encouraged. Please bring water, sturdy shoes, a hat, sunscreen, and a sack lunch if you don’t have time to eat your lunch beforehand.
We will select trails that are suitable for a range of abilities. These might include the Bonneville Shoreline Trail, River Trail, Green Canyon, Wood Camp, Mill Hollow, Temple Fork, or Spawn Creek.
Feel free to suggest your favorite walk or hike!
Contact Susanne for more info and meeting place: