The Building and Facilities team oversees upkeep and maintenance of the interior and exterior of the CVUU building.

Please direct any comments, concerns, or questions to: building@cvuu.org

  • building use and rentals
  • maintenance
  • supplies



Yes, we do compost. Use the blue bucket on the counter left of the sink. Please dump into compost bin on east side of building as needed.

green recycling logoRECYCLING:

Please help make CVUU a true Green Sanctuary


  • USE the new BLUE BIN recycling container under the kitchen counter
  • BE more conscientious about separating trash and recyclables
  • GLASS RECYCLE: Rinse glass containers and place in basket under the sink in the CVUU kitchen
  • EDUCATE yourself and your children about the difference between trash and recyclables
  • Make SURE that items are recyclable (Items might not be even if they have the recycle symbol)
  • Plastic bags are NOT recyclable
  • Put any items with food (even if marked with a recycling symbol) in the TRASH
  • Put Paper towels and tissues in the TRASH
  • Take a few minutes to educate yourself and your children


LOGAN CITY RESIDENTIAL COLLECTIONS: RECYCLING Help out the folks who sort the recycled materials and remove any trash and contaminated containers.

leaf logoPLANTS:

Please check and water indoor plants in dining room and room reading/library / cry room as needed. Please avoid overwatering.

lightbulb logoLIGHTS:

Last person(s) out turn off ALL lights inside and out (including downstairs/make sure you go down and check) and make sure all doors and windows are locked. Thanks!


sun logo SOLAR POWER:

Check it out! CVUU solar power production


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contact building@cvuu.org