Adult religious exploration programming is not currently offered. Individuals interested in organizing adult religious exploration programs are invited to contact

4th Principle: A Free and Responsible Search for Truth and Meaning


Reflection on the Fourth Principle
“As responsible religious seekers, we recognize that we are privileged to be free, to have resources to pursue life beyond mere survival, to continually search for truth and meaning, to exist beyond bonds of dogma and oppression, and to wrestle freely with truth and meaning as they evolve.

“This privilege calls us not to be isolated and self-centered, believing that our single perspective trumps all others, but rather to be humble, to be open to the great mysteries of truth and meaning that life offers. And those mysteries may speak to us through our own intuition and experience—but also through tradition, community, conflict, nature, and relationships.

“As a faith tradition, Unitarian Universalism makes sacred the right and responsibility to engage in this free and responsible quest as an act of religious devotion. Institutionally, we have left open the questions of what truth and meaning are, acknowledging that mindful people will, in every age, discover new insights.”

—Rev. Paige Getty, UU Congregation of Columbia, Maryland (read more from Paige in The Seven Principles in Word and Worship, ed. Ellen Brandenburg)


Adult Religious Exploration & Programs

Programs for adults give us the chance to go deeper— intellectually, socially, ethically, and spiritually. From workshops to community service, covenant groups to discussion groups, meditation to marching—all in the context of a supportive spiritual community—Unitarian Universalism has much to offer adults beyond our Sunday services.

Covenant Groups

Covenant groups, also known as Small Group Ministry, are groups of 7 to 10 people who meet regularly to build personal connections in an atmosphere of mutual trust and to explore significant questions involving spirituality and the business of living.


Building Your Own Theology

Based on the assumption that everyone is their own theologian, this classic Unitarian Universalist adult education program invites participants to develop their own personal credos.