Topic: UUA

GA Sunday Service: Beyond the Water’s Edge

We invite you to join us this Sunday in viewing the live stream of the UUA General Assembly Sunday Morning Worship at 11:00 AM MDT. We will gather via our usual Zoom link and view the stream together. The service will follow our Annual Congregational Meeting, which will begin at 10:00 AM on the regular Zoom link. For instructions on how to join the Zoom meeting, email

Leadership Conference Send-Off

Whitney, Ethan and Sondra will attend a Unitarian Universalist Association Leadership Experience Workshop. This Sunday we will talk a little bit about what it is, and what we are hoping to learn there and bring back with us to improve worship experiences at Cache Valley Unitarian Universalists as a lay-led congregation. Rather than relying on a full-time minister, members and friends of our congregation and invited guests, give of their time and talents to provide our worship experience, mirroring the diversity each of us brings to this community.