Speaker: Susanne Janecke

Part 2 – Threats to the North Bench of the Little Logan River

Join Susanne Jänecke and perhaps some other members of the Two River Coalition to explore the North Branch of the Logan River (NBLR) in our city, its values and threats to its existence as a river. We will review the history and geology of the rivers, update with new information, and leave time to discuss what could happen to the NBLR if the proposed Logan River Watershed Project is approved and funded. Piping, burial of its upstream end, pressurizing its water, lining of the river channel, and continued diversion of ALL of its waters after irrigation season are in play. We hope to restore the river to a free flowing … Continue reading Part 2 – Threats to the North Bench of the Little Logan River

Threats to the North Branch of the Logan River: A Natural and Historic River

Threats to the North Branch of the Logan River: A natural and historic river Join Susanne Jänecke and Jim Evans to explore Logan‘s founding and how the diminishment of the north branch of the Logan River is threatening a crown jewel of Logan city. The two rivers district around Logan’s Island is a treasure of Cache Valley. The two rivers there deserve to be restored and rehabilitated. The NRCS has awarded an enormous 90? million dollar grant of taxpayer money to upgrade water delivery systems, reduce flood hazards, and to manage stormwater in the Logan watershed. The Little Logan River (which is more accurately called the north branch of the … Continue reading Threats to the North Branch of the Logan River: A Natural and Historic River

Cache Valley’s Ancient Floods and Earthquakes

Cache Valley, Utah and Idaho, along with the surrounding areas, have a fascinating geological history. Geologist Susanne Jänecke will describe our region’s “rocky” history, including how ancient volcanoes in Gem Valley, as well as Lake Bonneville and active faults, impacted Cache Valley. She will discuss earthquakes along Cache Valley’s active faults. Meet in-person at CVUU or online through Zoom on Sunday at 10:00 AM. Masks are not required, but are welcome.