Speaker: Lyndi Perry

What do YOU know? …when symbolic beliefs go wild

Everyone knows someone who holds… unusual beliefs. Some of these beliefs can be harmless but others can have huge consequences for social groups, tearing apart families and society. From Pizzagate to Flat Earth, symbolic beliefs set people apart from their peers and can drive them to actions that the rest of us find alarming. Okay that’s dark! Which is why, once we have a hold of the concept, we’ll use light creativity to connect to our own inner beliefs and sift through the noise in our brains. Will we find symbolic beliefs? Most certainly! What will we do when we find them?? Art!! Meet in person at CVUU or online … Continue reading What do YOU know? …when symbolic beliefs go wild

What do I know? : A Low-stakes Consideration of Epistemology

Some people seem to be more haunted by existential questions than others. For example, poor Renee Descartes spent his life examining every thought to see if it was a “bad apple,” philosophically speaking, and ended up driving his friends and family crazy. Oh boy, can I relate. Because I want to save you from this annoyance, I’ll use this 20 minute period to tell you what I have learned in my decades as an armchair philosopher obsessed with the questions: what can we even know? And what does it even mean?   Meet in person at CVUU or online through Zoom on Sunday at 10:00 AM.

Solstice Service

Join us as we celebrate both the deep dark of winter and the coming of light. Meet in-person at CVUU or online through Zoom on Sunday at 10:00 AM.

Mother’s Day Music

Celebrate Mother’s Day with music! Meet in-person at CVUU or online through Zoom on Sunday at 10:00 AM. Masks are not required, but are welcome.