Speaker: Jessica Clay

Growing With Conflict

“Growing with Conflict” How can we use conflict as a challenge to move into right relationship with ourselves and others? How can we move with grace when our lives resist our attempts at control? Spiritual communities can help to hold us and nurture all the parts of us that being in relationship with each other can bring forth. Join us as we reflect on conflict, our approaches to it, and how to movethrough it with ease.

Translations of Cheer

Jessica Clay, MDiv Student Starr King School for the Ministry and Candidate for Fellowship UUA. Sometimes faith feels like the telephone game. We each have our own experience, but when we try to convey it to another we end up getting lost in translation. How do we respond with grace to different theologies within Unitarian Universalism?  By looking at our rich history we can learn stories of our elders and their struggles with this very question.  Join us in worship as we explore the past and let it inform the present to guide each of us on our spiritual journeys.