Speaker: Becka Schultz

Reclaiming the Stories of Jesus

There are many voices that use scripture as proof their view on morality or virtue or the world is the only right way. But the truth is, we all approach these texts with our own lenses and experiences. And when we include history and context, we can get a better understanding of the intent of the original message of the story. I’ve taken a few stories that have been weaponized to justify harm in certain communities and reclaimed them to mean something different for me. And I want to share that with you. Meet in person at CVUU or online through Zoom on Sunday at 10:00 AM.

Alzheimer’s Awareness

Alzheimer’s and dementia is a growing public health concern. Join us for a brief presentation from the Alzheimer’s Association on the basics of Alzheimer’s and dementia and what you can do to decrease risk factors. Meet in person at CVUU or online through Zoom on Sunday at 10:00 AM.

This I Believe

March 3 we will be hearing This I Believe from Becka Schultz. She’ll be discussing her journey and experiences that brought her to CVUU and encouraged her search for truth and goodness. Meet in person at CVUU or online through Zoom on Sunday at 10:00 AM.