Soul Matters Discussion: Repair

Nov 17th, we will have a soul matters discussion led by Manny Espinoza on Repair

A Blessing for Risk-Takers and Failures by Rev. Robin Tanner

“Today we share in a blessing for losers, risk-takers, all failures far and wide…

Blessed are they who make giant mistakes, whose intentions are good, but impact has injured, who know the hot sense of regret and ask for mercy, for their hearts will know the gift of forgiveness.

Blessed are they who have seen a D or an F or C or any letter less than perfect, who are painfully familiar with the red pen and the labels as “less than,”
for they know the wisdom in the imperfect.

Blessed are they who stop running the race to help a fellow traveler, who pick up the fallen, who stop for injured life, for they shall know the kindness of strangers.”

Meet in person at CVUU or online through Zoom on Sunday at 10:00 AM.