Inclusion – Cache Pride Center

Kelsey Crowson, the director of CVUU’s own Cache Pride Center, will speak to us this Sunday. Cache Pride Center is committed to transforming and supporting youth in Cache Valley’s LGBTQ+ communities through support groups, comprehensive programming, suicide prevention, mentoring, advocacy, and training to promote positive outlooks and changes within this population. According to the National Association for Mental Illness (NAMI) lesbian, gay, and bisexual persons are twice as likely as heterosexual persons to experience a mental health issue with transgender individuals being four times as likely as cisgender individuals to experience mental health issues. At Cache Pride Center we believe that we can help change these statistics through our services … Continue reading Inclusion – Cache Pride Center

Soul Matters Discussion

Meet in person at CVUU or online through Zoom on Sunday at 10:00 AM.

The Bubble

This Sunday we will listen to to a service from SLC First Unitarian by Reverend J Sylvan. Reverend Sylvan speaks about the dangers of only associating with people who agree with us on political and social issues. She says we insulate ourselves in our own “bubbles”. “Bubble” living can cut us off from anything that challenges our narrative which does us and the world a disservice. When we live in our bubbles… we cut off channels of communication and collaboration and impede finding solutions to the problem. Much is out of our control but what is in our control is how we treat others and this must extend to those … Continue reading The Bubble